We deliver the highest quality processed products in the shortest delivery time possible through various quality control initiatives.
Processing 50: Inspection 50
Invest Equally in "Processing" and "Inspection"
The ratio of our investment in "Processing" to "Inspection" is one-to-one (expressed as "Processing 50: Inspection 50") in virtually everything from equipment and human resources to internal rules, to make sure we always provide high-quality processed products.
The percentage of inspection equipment in our factories is higher than in most others, and many customers who visit our factories note the high number of inspection machines.
Inspection Built into Processing Procedures
We conduct detailed inspection, even during processing, in order to achieve both the delivery date and quality desired by our customers reliably.
Highest-quality processed products are achieved in the shortest delivery time possible while preventing significant rework and minimizing wasted material costs and time.
5 Principles of the Tamachi Method
No matter how great the equipment, mistakes are made if the people operating it do not follow established rules. Tamachi Industries has created a workplace mindset, the "5 Principles of the Tamachi Method," for all staff members in order to prevent mistakes, and displayed posters at every location onsite to provide clear instructions.
- Do not rely on memory when inputting numerical figures. Always use notes and check each figure by saying it aloud and pointing to it.
- Compare pre-work state with post-work results by carefully looking at the respective drawings, and foster an eye for detail to identify any potential defect.
- Aim at creating production processes that incorporate reliable quality by precisely implementing all manufacturing instructions and records.
- Do not make arbitrary interpretations. Think carefully, check, and understand accurately before taking any action.
Significant problems may be hiding behind even the slightest doubt.
Do not let things go, instead work to solve them by reporting, contacting, and consulting with your boss or GM.
Quality Policy
The company has established a quality assurance policy based on "moral motivation" and aims to be known as a company that is trusted and needed by our customers, and as a result secures good lives and fair profits for employees.
- 1.
- We contribute to society by complying with laws and regulations, striving for quick and polite service, absolute quality, and continuing passion.
- 2.
We implement functions and responsibilities to achieve customer satisfaction and establish measures to avoid risks and obtain opportunities, to better understand and anticipate current and future customer needs and satisfy customer requirements such as quality, delivery time, and cost.
Our all these activities will be timely and quickly,.
Also, We will be sustainable always to hard train for brash up.
- 3.
- We have a sense of ownership as employees and adhere to the "5 Principles of the Tamachi Method" to achieve quality assurance, use them as the basis for educating newer employees, and establish a perpetual "future history."
- 4.
We have update always our technology and performance.
And we promote the use of knowledge, set quality goals, and make every effort to improve them.
Management never allows our inertia, and they will evaluate and review the performance of the organization based on achievement data and carry out quality assurance activities in accordance with the quality management system for further improvement with our engineering be exceeded the needs of customers.
- 5.
- We make customer satisfaction a perpetual goal of the organization by working towards continuous improvement, maintaining an appropriate level through a quality management system that is well-known to employees uniting all concerned in the company.
Environmental Policy
Tamachi Industries Co., Ltd. regards environmental problems as an important issue when manufacturing precision parts for industry and develops environmental management systems at every stage of the product life cycle to continuously improve environmental conservation activities.
We catch the important regarding SDG's and we have face to face the carbon neutral.
- 1.
- We strive to ensure that equipment, raw materials, parts, jigs, consumables, products, and services used in factories are appropriate in terms of environmental impact.
- 2.
- We establish environmental objectives and targets to make them compatible with management policies.
- 3.
- We reduce required resources and energy consumption (electricity, gas, fuel for company-owned and commuter vehicles, etc.) for sustainable use of resources, and strive to reduce, sort, and recycle waste generated to protect the environment.
- 4.
- We fulfill our business compliance obligations and strive to prevent environmental pollution such as water and soil pollution.
- 5.
We plan business activities for each fiscal period in our management policy to improve environmental performance, ensure effective and systematic functioning, and promote continuous improvement of the environmental management system.
And we have response for the customer’s active of carbon neutral because our working axis is Business to Business.
So, we show annual management policy and goal.
For example, we strive toward targets and results to reduce any unconformities, even in indirect work, such as consigned products assigned to suppliers to align reduction in unconformities with quality management.
- 6.
- We disclose our policies, objectives, and targets related to environmental issues on our website so that all stakeholders can understand them. We document activities and PDCA of improvement status and keep those records.